Saturday, July 11, 2009

Camp Firebelly

I have been home from Camp Firebelly for a week now and I thought it would be appropriate to post some appreciation for all of the people in the image above (and the rest of the team at Firebelly Design of course).

We did so many amazing things during camp (all of which are documented in the camp blog here). But, my fellow campers were incredible and I miss them. Trust me when I say that you can expect big things from all of them in the future.

While we were there, we had a chance to work with Some Odd Pilot, The Post Family, Delicious Design League, AIGA Chicago, and tons of other kind members of Chicago's design community. It was such an inspiring/motivating experience and I'm so lucky to have been part of it. If you are a young designer, I HIGHLY recommend applying for next year's camp, you definitely will not regret it.


Friday, July 10, 2009

Currently Enjoying

The Handbook to Building a Better World.

Dawn at Firebelly gave these out as a gift to each of the campers this year. Though I have not finished, I found this quote to be pretty inspiring...
"One of my lifetime goals is to be as generous as I can be. I am not the most brilliant thinker in the world, so I am not going to push forward the frontiers of human knowledge. Nor am I especially ambitious in my career, so I am not going to be the CEO of the next Google. However, I do have moral ambition. I would like to stretch myself to be the most generous person I can be. I think that is in my power. Even if I fail, it can't hurt to try." -Cliff Landesman, donor, volunteer, Trickle Up, Oxfam America, Natural Resources Defense Council, Lake Champlain Committee, Alaska Center for the Environment, WNYC, Pedals for Progress, among others; Brooklyn, New York
Though I'm not totally ruling out the idea of drastically advancing human thought or creating and running my own multi-billion dollar web venture, I can relate to what he is saying here and I appreciate that.

The quote sort of sums up the book as well. It explains every level of involvement with non-profits and emphasizes the importance of giving, regardless of amount. So, I suggest checking it out if you have the time and interest.

Thanks Dawn!