Wednesday, February 4, 2009


I made this agenda last week and finally got it bound yesterday. I chose the yellow cover after deciding that I wanted a blue bind. They were out of blue.

This is one of the inside spreads. I didn't have time to make it extra fancy, but it works. I just needed something to keep me organized. I've decided that there is no point in purchasing designed objects like this one if I can design, print, and bind them myself. My only expense was the $2 it cost to bind.

I've uploaded a PDF version to in case anyone wants to print their own. You can find it here (password: peagreen).


  1. I'm lovin it! Where did you get it bound for that cheap? Just in case I decide to make one of my own. lol. I'm having some issues with the agenda I have now, and it's so smart to just make one that fits my agenda-ing style.

  2. its funny how sometimes i forget that we are designers and can make a lot of things ourselves. this is a perfect example.
    if i didnt already have my moleskine id have one of these!
