Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Conventional Wisdom, Think again

"No, your eyes aren't deceiving you. You're reading Stephen Colbert. And for that I apologize. The last thing I want is to contribute to the corrosive influence of the print media. I prefer to yell my opinions at you in person.

But I can't do that this week, because I am in Iraq. I've brought my hit TV broadcast over there to support our troops. I figure if I do this, I can finally take that yellow- ribbon magnet off my Audi without looking like a jerk. God knows what it did to my paint job."

I will be picking up a copy of this as soon as possible. Colbert is the magazine's very first guest editor since it was founded 76 years ago!


Monday, June 8, 2009

thank you!

It's only right that I update with a few of the things I've been doing that have kept me from updating this thing. For now, I will just post some thank you cards I've been working on.

I am very, very lucky and received lots of gifts and congratulations for graduating this past month. I felt like everyone who took the time to put a gift together for me deserved a special thank you card in return. I tried to pick the theme of each card based on the person receiving it. Here are a few photos of the ones I've completed so far...


Thursday, June 4, 2009

the less we use our power, the greater it will be

Just finished watching the Obama Cairo speech via the united states of jamerica.

So many things said that I've always wanted but never thought I'd hear. If you haven't seen it already, take a gander!